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In the fall of 2022, we took a trip to The Chesapeake Bay Foundation Research Facility with a bunch of farmers to learn about the current health of the Chesapeake Bay. The trip was geared towards farmers that graze livestock. It was an educational trip organized by CBF to teach farmers about the positive impacts grass-based farming is having on the Chesapeake Bay and the negative effects confinement production is causing. Being a farmer who grazes and doesn't spray agrichemicals, we were ecstatic to learn about the positive impacts our daily work has on clean water and ultimately, the vitality of the Chesapeake Bay. We decided we wanted to support our local watermen by opening a sales outlet for their oysters.
Did you know that a single mature oyster can clean 50 gallons of water a day? Rogue Oysters is growing one million oysters a year. Their oysters purify almost 50 million gallons of water a day, providing clean and safe water for fish, crab, clams, and shrimp to grow and prosper in the Bay.
We were able to establish relationships to make this happen… so starting in 2023 we plan to have oysters available for purchase on the weekends. These will be sold pre-bagged by the dozen. Oysters are considered an agricultural/aquacultural product of Virginia!
Aaron and Taryn, founders and farmers at Rogue, will be harvesting these oysters weekly for us, so swing in this weekend and pick up a dozen or two. These are agricultural products of Virginia. If you haven't shucked an oyster before don't be intimidated. I promise it's not that hard!
We will have some shucking knives and gloves for sale if you need to grab some. The weather is looking decent for some front porch oysters.
If love oysters, please consider joining our oyster CSA starting in May 2023. Details below. It's a small commitment that helps us plan and ensure the success of this partnership! We are looking for 25 members this year.
1. A la carte at our farm stores
2. Participate in our oyster CSA (2 dozen a month, picked up once)
We have three new CSA's in 2023, one of them is our oyster CSA. If you love oysters, all you commit to is 2 dozen a month, picked up once at the farm. If you want to add to your CSA order and pick up more than 2 dozen you can. There is a price break on oysters if you commit to our CSA.
OYSTER CSA COST: $25.50/month
(You can add more oysters as needed. Oyster orders must be received by WEDNESDAY of the week of pick-up. Email reminders will be sent.)